Amanda Grazioli

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How to Build Brand Awareness on Zoom

It can be tricky to clearly and memorably talk about your business at in-person networking events. Common stumbling blocks include saying too much, confusing people, or missing opportunities to share your brand messages in a natural, effective way. 

Now, in the age of COVID-19, virtual networking events add some new challenges to the mix. Luckily, if you are prepared and strategic, there are some ways that you can confidently build brand awareness—even on Zoom!


Know Your Brand Messages

Take the time to craft your brand messaging in advance. This exercise will serve you well in all communications—written and otherwise. Being crystal clear about your “Big Three,” the top three things you want people to know about your brand, is a great starting point. Use the checklist at the end of this post to capture these, especially if they are new to you. Don't memorize and read them, but do use them to remind yourself about the most important things to incorporate into your meeting contributions. You also want to be able to articulate how you make your customers' or clients' lives better and ideally find a natural opportunity to share an anecdote that demonstrates the value you offer.


Use Zoom Features to Reinforce Your Brand

Begin by updating your Zoom display name before the start of the meeting. Instead of “Mom’s Laptop,” change it to your name and your business’s name so that people never have to struggle to remember who you are and what you do. While you are at it, hide your self-view and stay on-screen. In large virtual meetings, people who turn off their video feed usually get bumped onto the last screen and forgotten. Remain engaged in your body language and focused on listening deeply to others when they speak. If you do have to turn off your video, use a professional headshot static image. If you sign into Zoom with Google, it will default to your Google profile photo as your image. 


Make On-Brand Contributions

Find ways to contribute throughout the meeting that reflect your brand’s values without being salesy. For instance, in a Polka Dot Powerhouse meeting, there are specific meeting agenda sections where participants are invited to share wins, asks, business offers, etc. I try to contribute to every section of the meeting with a brief comment or anecdote that reflects my brand and reminds people who I am and what I’m all about. In a Pepperlane Boost format, if you are invited to help a fellow participant think through a business challenge, find opportunities to offer help that demonstrates your expertise. 


Connect and Follow Up

Take notes or (pro-tip) download the chat feed and reach out to at least one person you feel you could help. Just like in-person networking, the magic is in the follow-up. Instead of doing an impersonal email to everyone, choose a few people, and connect with a more targeted message. Please don't sell them anything in this outreach. Instead, bring something to the table that benefits them and begins to build a relationship. For example, find an article or resource that might help them with something they mentioned during the meeting. Or share the link to a Facebook group that they might benefit from joining.


Are you feeling ready for some virtual networking? Click to download your free Building Brand Awareness on Zoom Checklist to keep by your laptop before you jump on a meeting and make sure that you're making the most of every event!