How to Use ChatGPT to Brainstorm Blog Topics that Engage Your Readers

As a small business copywriter, almost everyone I speak with lately asks me what I think about ChatGPT and the other AI tools that are popping up everywhere.

Here’s the summary of my current take. AI test generators are:

not going anywhere,

only going to improve,

a tool and not a replacement.

As a small business, your brand's unique voice, perspective, and way of articulating information about your area of expertise are huge. These things make people choose you over one of the many other service providers who do what you do. So turning your copy and content writing over to AI and hoping it all works out will rob you of one of your key advantages.

However, as a tool, there are some compelling use cases for ChatGPT. I've been exploring how to put it into action as a resource when crafting testimonials, analyzing voice of customer research, editing copy, and more. And while I'm not sold on its value in writing a small business blog post, it can be a great partner in generating blog post topic ideas.

Using ChatGPT to brainstorm blog post topic ideas

When working with small business blogging clients, I always begin by working with them to define their content pillars. These 3–6 overarching topics are intentionally selected to align with the brand's service offerings and core messages. They give focus to the blog and demonstrate your in-depth knowledge in your particular zone of genius.

Once content pillars are selected, we brainstorm specific, keyword-focused, audience-serving posts that fit under the umbrellas of the chosen pillars. While we have lots of human-brain-generated ideas for posts under each category, we could also call on ChatGPT as a brainstorming partner as part of our process.

As an AI text-based model, ChatGPT requires the correct input to get the output you are looking for. For example, it may do an okay job if you ask it to generate a list of blog post ideas about a particular topic. But if you offer it additional information about your ideal client avatar, your brand, or the specific types of posts you hope to write, it will do a much better job.

Here are some overarching things to keep in mind:

1) Be clear about your keywords.

If you have an identified keyword you are trying to rank for, you can tell ChatGPT as part of your prompt. It’s best to focus on one keyword per prompt.

2) Get detailed about your target audience.

The more information you can share about your reader, the better the tool can tailor the post ideas to their specific needs and interests.

3) Specify the blog post formats.

You can ask the tool for a mix of post ideas for different post formats like case studies, book reviews, listicles, how-to guides, and more.

4) Explain what you want the reader to get from the post.

Do you want to inspire readers, debunk myths, share a fresh approach, offer actionable advice, or give a step-by-step guide? Be sure to include your goal as a part of your prompt.

Here's a step-by-step example demonstrating how to use ChatGPT for blog topic idea generation.

Imagine you are a private chef offering meal planning workshops and local meal delivery. "Meal Planning" is one of your content pillars, and you're brainstorming post topics.

Here’s how I might prompt the tool:

Imagine you are a busy working mom. Your partner also works full-time, and you have a toddler and a first-grader. You have very little time to cook, your children are picky eaters, and making healthy meals and snacks always feels like a struggle. You want to learn how to meal plan effectively so that you can have nutritious meals and snacks easily available. You also want those meals and snacks to be tasty and something everyone looks forward to eating. What are ten blog post headlines about planning lunches for the week that might catch your eye and prompt you to click them as a way to learn more and take a step toward solving your problem? Please vary the blog post formats (how-to guides, listicles, product reviews, etc.), optimize for the keyword lunch meal planning for a family, and share fresh ideas and actionable advice.

In this prompt, you’ll see that I’ve used the following:

  • both demographic and psychographic info about the reader

  • a target keyword

  • instructions about desired post format

  • details about the reader goal I'm hoping to address

Here are the ideas that this prompt generated:

"Mastering Lunchtime: A Comprehensive Guide to Family Meal Planning"

"10 Kid-Friendly Lunch Ideas for Picky Eaters: Easy and Nutritious Recipes"

"Efficient Lunch Meal Planning for Busy Moms: Tips for Saving Time and Stress"

"The Ultimate Family Lunch Meal Plan: Healthy and Delicious Recipes for the Week"

"Lunchbox Inspiration: 15 Creative Ideas for Packing Nutritious Meals Your Kids Will Love"

"Solving the Picky Eater Puzzle: Strategies for Introducing New Foods at Lunchtime"

"Fueling Growing Minds: The Importance of Balanced Nutrition in Lunches for Kids"

"The Working Mom's Guide to Stress-Free Lunch Prepping: Tips and Hacks"

"Top Lunch Containers and Accessories for Easy Meal Planning on the Go"

"Budget-Friendly Lunch Ideas for Families: Healthy Meals That Won't Break the Bank"

Some of these post topics might be perfect as-is, while others may spark additional ideas. You can continue the brainstorming by asking follow-up questions or narrowing the focus. For example, prompts like this:

You're still the same busy working mom, and you picked on the post "Lunchbox Inspiration: 15 Creative Ideas for Packing Nutritious Meals Your Kids Will Love." What would you want to read next? Please generate a list of ten possible follow-up posts you might click after reading, still related to meal planning lunches for the entire family.

Here’s what it generated:

"10 Quick and Healthy Lunchbox Snacks to Keep Your Kids Energized Throughout the Day"

"Family-Friendly Meal Prep: How to Streamline Lunchtime for the Whole Week"

"Building a Balanced Lunch: Essential Nutrients Your Family Needs"

"Effortless Lunchbox Makeovers: Transforming Leftovers into Delicious Lunches"

"Creative Sandwich Alternatives: Fun and Healthy Lunch Ideas for Kids"

"Time-Saving Strategies for Lunch Prep: Tips for Busy Working Moms"

"Supercharge Your Family's Lunches: Power Foods for Optimal Health"

"Exploring Global Flavors: Introducing Cultural Cuisine into Your Lunch Rotation"

"Making Lunchtime Fun: Engaging Your Kids in the Meal Planning Process"

"Lunchbox Must-Haves: Essential Tools and Accessories for Packing Nutritious Meals" 

Remember, not every idea ChatGPT generates is a good one—and it's never going to be able to replicate your one-of-a-kind perspective and creative mind.

However, by feeding it the best prompt possible, you can turn it into a valuable tool to help craft the best possible content to serve your audience and build your brand! And once you have plenty of topic ideas and you need help writing audience-serving posts in your authentic brand voice, you know who to call. 😉

Are you hoping to start blogging for your small business but unsure where to begin?