How to Maximize "Know-Like-Trust" with Your Web Copy

By now, you’ve surely heard about the importance of the Know-Like-Trust factor when it comes to your marketing channels. Here’s my take on how you can use your website copy to help site visitors know, like, and trust you so that they stay engaged with your brand and, ideally, become customers. 

The “Know” in Know-Like-Trust

When people talk about the “K” in KLT, they often talk about helping your audience get to know you. But in addition to familiarizing them with who you are and how you serve, you need to prove that you know THEM. Remember, at the end of the day, they care more about themselves than you. Find opportunities to demonstrate that you understand what matters to your target audience so that they know you GET THEM. 

Website Copy That Makes You Likeable

People want to do business with people who share their values. You have a huge opportunity to connect by being clear about your values, your why, and how you do business. Let your brand voice and personality come through authentically. Having a clear point of view will repel the wrong people and attract the right ones.

Building Trust Through Your Website Copy

Talk about your readers’ problems and clearly demonstrate how you have solved them for others. Share case studies, carefully constructed testimonials, and portfolio projects. Publish free content like blog posts or guides that demonstrates your expertise. And, of course, build confidence in your abilities by mentioning specific credentials and background that equips you to do excellent work. 

Do you feel like your copy is hitting all the marks when it comes to building a connection with your audience? What is the piece of this you struggle with the most?